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Fertility Case Studies

These case studies, shared in Dr. Wu’s book Fertility Wisdom, illustrate just a few of the health challenges Traditional Chinese Medicine has helped clients overcome to conceive, carry, and deliver babies once considered impossible.

Doctors told Carol she couldn’t get pregnant with a high FSH level of 65.

When Carol came to Dr. Wu for treatment she was 30 years old and had an FSH level so high doctors told her she couldn’t conceive. Troubled by hot flashes since she was 25, diagnosed as premenopausal at 28, she thought her chances of conceiving were slim. But after committing herself to long-term treatment, Carol became pregnant, and she delivered a nine-pound baby boy. Two years later, she resumed treatment with Dr. Wu, conceived again with an FSH of 56, and delivered a healthy baby girl.

Entering menopause at 50, Linda had abandoned hope of conceiving naturally.

With her menstrual cycles fluctuating between profuse and no flow and hot flashes a regular occurrence, Linda was entering menopause. A determination to conceive naturally made her chances of pregnancy slim from a Western perspective. But less than a year after coming for her first treatment, Linda conceived naturally and delivered healthy twins.

Sue had lost an ovary. With Greg’s low sperm count, the couple knew their chances of having a baby were slim.

Sue was 39 and Greg was 46 when the couple came to Dr. Wu for help conceiving. Although her right ovary had been removed 12 years prior — and despite Greg’s diagnosed low sperm count — Sue became pregnant and delivered a healthy baby.

Ellen’s fibroids had grown so large that doctors recommended she terminate her pregnancy.

Ellen came to Dr. Wu at 42. Her western diagnosis: endometriosis and fibroids the size of ping-pong balls. Eight months after miscarrying, she received her first treatment. Four months later, she became pregnant, delivering a baby boy. Less than a year later, doctors found no trace of Ellen’s fibroids.

Seven miscarriages and five unsuccessful in vitro fertilization cycles threatened Diane’s pregnancy hopes.

Doctors could not explain why Diane, 46, had experienced so many miscarriages and no success with Assisted Reproductive Techniques. She started treatment with Dr. Wu in February, became pregnant, and delivered a baby girl.

And after 14 years of trying, Marie, 38, still wasn’t pregnant, and doctors didn’t know why.

Marie, 38, had been trying to conceive for 14 years. Doctors could find no medical reason for her lack of success. She came for her first treatment with Dr. Wu in June. In July she became pregnant, delivering a healthy baby nine months later. Trying for a second child, Marie endured a miscarriage. She came back to see Dr. Wu and, after only three treatments, became pregnant. This time she carried the baby full-term. Dr. Wu is grateful to have been chosen as the baby’s god-grandmother.


Wu’s Healing Center
1014 Clement Street
San Francisco, CA 94118
(Between 11th & 12th Ave)


T (415) 750-5050
F (415) 750-5051

Business Hours

Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Saturday, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
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